Tuesday, 25 May 2010

L.O.V.E talk

"Love is not
blind, it sees more not less;But because it sees more it chooses to see less"

What's on your mind when talking about love?
happiness, hurt, laugh, happy, crying, sore, or what? i'm just 14, and i don't know about feelings of love to the boys, but the feelings I felt like someone had, in contrast to feelings of love to my god,Allah SWT, parents, sisters, brothers, family, teachers, friends, and people who love us.

Tentu aja aku sayang banget dan mencintai kedua orang tuaku, adik-adikku,keluargaku,sahabat-sahabatku,guru-guruku,dan semua orang yang selalu ada buatku, aku bisa ngerasain gimana tulusnya mereka semua sama aku, yang gak pernah mengharapkan apapun,dan pengen melihat aku bahagia, tentu aja kita sebagai makhluk sosial,gak akan bisa hidup sendiri tanpa orang lain, dan aku bersyukur karena banyak orang yang selalu ada buat aku, dan aku bisa merasakan kehidupan normal, tanpa kekurangan, dan semuanya cuma karena-Nya, pure love, sincere, and always flowing to me, thank you so much for my god, and all.

this is for my dearest friend, they really know me who i am and i really love them

"There is no friend like an old friend who has shared our morning days, no greeting like his welcome, no homage like his praise."

for my parents, they're really really struggling and affection,thankyou mom and dad to see me happy

Whether our relationship is strained
or easy, hostile or amiable, we need
our mother and dad if only in memory ...
to conjugate our history, validate our
femaleness and guide our way.

for my sister and brother sometimew we fight and sometimes we laugh together, i can't imagine how lonely my life without you guys

Speak not too well of one who scarce will know himself transfigured in its roseate glow
Say kindly of him what is, chiefly, true, remembering always he belongs to you
Deal with him as a truant, if you will
But claim him, keep him, call him brother and sister still!

for my religion,lights and guides my life

Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow. ~ ra. Ummar bin Khattab ~

for my family, you always give me support,and love.

May we never let the things we can’t have
Or don’t have, or shouldn’t have,
Spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have.
As we value our happiness, let us not forget it
For one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or should not have

Thankyou so much for all, I love you, i need you, and thanks for everything you give me love, and because you i know about love, and i learn about love.

Posted by: Nastiti Maharani, Jakarta May 26 2010.
16:51 PM

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